It's International Aids Awareness Day, even though I am neither an HIV positive person or professing HIV risk behaviour (the term is ugly I know but that's the word I find most frequently used nonetheless), I am wearing a red ribbon today. Because it is important. Because people must be informed. Because no matter how you became an HIV patient you deserve support. Because no one ill should stand alone. Because I care and would like others to care. And maybe most of all because others think they don't have to care merely because it concerns them not.
Don't think me naive, I know full well that wearing a ribbon isn't going to speed up the development of aids-medication. Nor is it going to convince anyone to have safe sex. Nor is it going to stop an addict sharing his needles. Nor is it going to safen bloodtransfusions. Yet I dare hope that for one brief second I have made just one person think. That's all.
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