I never entered the game of posting about all those new sites and blogs I come across. Not that there aren't any but I don't read most of them on a daily basis. Usually I keep track of only those I really really like and put those on the left (yes that left). However, after being very busy being Lawful Good, not telling any lies-not real lies anyway, being questioned about why I had forsaken/neglected the quest my temple sent me on ( and which nobody told me properly about when I rolled into this campaign) and so on and so on... one of my fellow campaigners suggested out of game I blog more and link to their blogs (or at least hers) too. As there is but one fellow campaigner not to have his own little space on-line (And believe me, we'll talk him into it yet. After all looks deceive, somebody who seems to work best with facts is thus bound to have plenty of inspiration for about seven billion blogs.) here's a short list of the people that already want you to visit them.*
Freckled Phouka and Satan in disguise
Bright Smith
*Do let me know if I drew the wrong conclusion, unlike might be expected, I'm not incapable of admitting I was wrong.
Tiehie... POES!!!
Bloggen is voor emo's
en emo's zijn hip
't Is misschien een stom idee, maar misschien kunnen we met de DnD-groep een blog starten, eentje waar we allemaal DnD en campagne-gerelateerde dingen kunnen plaatsen.
Opgepast : stream of consciousness (zie eerste regel van dit bericht)
My idea exactly. Perhaps it's a bit late for the Ravenloft campaign, but it could be an asset for the summer campaign.
We should discuss it this friday!
Darn it I thought I was subtle enough about my wish for a D&D blog. The plan was to make one and then utterly surprise all of you with the stories and background info I come up wiht. *sigh* I suppose it's out of my hands now.
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