Sunday, November 18

The (Black/White) Magic of Love

This is but a meagre attempt at a more serious and lengthier sort of blogpost, not just a quick blurb. I apologise for the possible inconsistency of it.


When I am in love or unhappy for any other sort of reason, it very seldom strikes me that other people, be they close friends, strangers or anything in between, can be anything but single or in a happy relationship. And whenever the dark mood lifts, it comes as a little shock to me to find other people unhappy.
Looking back on the past year with a clear head and heart, so very much has happened. Friends who had been together for longer than I've know them decided to break up, a couple of which each individual felt tingles for another person have remained a couple (and thank heaven, there are only so many shocks a person can handle), a couple of which the individuals are still in love has split up, Ms One-Night-Stand got herself into a relationship and pretty soon out of it again to lead a happy celibate life, et sic ad infinitum. There are too many examples.


Another little shock is the realisation that I do not, I repeat not need Love, there is chocolate to be eaten, there are (comic) books to be read, lasagna to be made and most of all there are friends to talk to, to visit, to cherish. What I'm really trying to say is, when need be; love will do. Capital L ow vee ee wouldn't agree with me anyway.

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