Friday, September 12

Turning into a geek.

There is much to be discussed. There is a lot that I want said and known. I had intended to write three days ago and tell you that for the first time since I can remember I have borrowed more non-fiction than fiction from my local library. I wanted to tell you that one of the books deals wwith fixing computers and the others with history. I wanted to say that I already gave up on trying to save for clothes but intend to spend all of what a red cardigan dress with V-neck and puffy sleeves would cost on RPG-books. I want to share my joy, my infinite joy at finding another padawan prepared to join our d&d-circle.

And all this made me realise that if I didn't dress like a hippie I might qualify for nerddom. Hooray for flary trousers and colourful shirts.

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