Thursday, October 9

The long-awaited Update On How M Feels (or so I hope)

Yes. You're quite right, this blog has been whaning to a mere shadow of it's former self. And typos are starting to be more and more frequent. But there are excuses, my emotional state fluctuates constantly and updating on that conto would, I fear, only confuse what little readers I have. True, it doesn't mean I HAVE to post overly long blobs of literature, but that makes what poetry that I do post a little more read and as such a little more fixed in the mind of the world, as I think those pieces of sheer eloquence deserve. Although their length does bother me, when I consider the space the take- so much for the easy-reading part of this blog.

As to how I feel... not so very well, but I've kept myself far away from the abyss, which I hope you appreciate.

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