Friday, November 25

Things I've Learned while in the USA or at Arrival Home- part I

Few items of Belgian Patisserie compare to KrispyKreme Pumpkin Spice Doughnuts.
Life is not as much fun when there is none to rebuke in the name of good taste.
I think I shall have to have children to make up for little fingers no longer poking me.
The Pacific doesn't smell as salty as the Atlantic Ocean.
There is no limit to the tastelessness of TV shopping.
Shopping for clothes can be fun (wonder stranger, this I had to learn afore two weeks I was one of those to buy the cheapest of whatever item I needed then to rush of to a nearby bookstore and spend all my allowance (that is whatever I allowed myself to spend) on the complete works of some or other wellknown author).
Adults should be allowed to buy whatever item om toys they like as long as they don't deny their surrounding children to occasionally share in their play.

Thursday, November 17

Flying to the Promissed Land

It all started a hectic two weeks back, hecyic because I had to contact professors about my being absent for a while, I had to try to do some work for them in advance, I had to list and put away items I shouldn't forget to pack, in between organise and attend a two-day birthdayparty and of course keep up the regular writing to friends, penfriends and backgroundinfo sections for my fantastic novel.

Hectic and stressful and pannicky because I knew exactly what to take but realised too late I hed left most of it in my beloved University City. Plus I was tired and couldn't find my passport which was by no means lost but lying at so visible a place I continually overlooked it. Having finaly spotted it, I put it away and went to bed so happy all was well. In fact so happy when might call it excited. So excited I barely slept.
So at 6:30 am barely rested but still excited I'm woken up by my dear parents. A short wash, quick dress and minimum breakfast later I'm dropped of at the nearest railwaystation.

GREAT! My first actual trip accross the ocean, the furthest place I ever went and nobody bothers waving me off. On the other hand it shows confidence in me and thus I take further steps towards adulthood (yeah right). Stepping on the train, off the train, on another train and off again I arive at the airport. Several identity checks, security checks and bodysearches later I'm allowed on the plane and I seat myself next to a middle aged, married globetrotter who is going to chigago to pick up his wife from a bussiness trip. Quite convenient it was for me to have someone with prior US experience to help me fill in the nonimmigrant/non resident/ anti terrorism forms (with handy questions such as ; are you a terrorist? were you a nazi between 1933 and 1945? (no but I am now) will you involve in illegal activeities while in the US? etc).

For more notes on this trip please check back later.