Tuesday, June 3

Bliss from Books

I have been known to shift moods in milliseconds. Many if not all of my readers have seen my mood darken in a heartbeat for no other reason than brightly shining sun. It will not surprise you that yesterday; I have been tired and frustrated, beat down by the weather, disappointed by a lack of bare massageable shoulders, intimidated by the angry looks a fellow librarylocated studiant shoots me and a wee tad blissful. Yes; blissful. Even I sometimes alter my mood for the better, though I doubt few of you may have seen this altered mood coming from being hit on the head with a book.


Anonymous said...

Then someone should hit you in the head with a book more often :-)

Unknown said...

I hope you mean 'on the head', 'in the head' may prove rather painful. But other than that I absolutely agree!