Monday, February 15

7 and counting

I can't recall ever having received Valentine's cards and this year I have so far found seven in my inbox, some tackier than others. None with a return address and all in a different handwriting, so as to leave me clueless to the sender(s)' identity. After now a week of wondering, pondering and pestering my friends and housemates for help in unravelling the mystery that was forced upon me, I have come to conclude that I may be happier about the entire affair if I just enjoyed the idea and feeling of being at least regarded worth some stamps and effort. Also this is really sweet. The url reads:
Coincidentally one of my favorite Jazz songs.
edit: Number eight arrived yesterday, infact the same card as number 4 with a message that I will not repeat until sometime next year when I'm really really drunk. I have also concluded that somewhere out there someone must be really really really desperate for sex if they have to appeal to me to get some.

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