Tuesday, February 23

A love Story in 28 Text Messages

At a party after handing out my phone number to a stranger. 'K' is the would-be lover, 'M' is of course me.

K: Peep :) sweet lady :)
K: Safely at home? X K from the party X
M: Safe and sound at home and in bed. Hope you had fun. M
K: Meeting you made my evening toppy ;) have secretly been thinking about you :)x
K: How about another party tonight?:)K
M: Nope. Tomorrow = working day :-(
K: Sweetiepie. Those mondays ey... Hate it to (sic). You know. Have been thinking about you ever since... Can I see you again? :)x
M: You're embarrassing me. I like you but I'm afraid I'd disappoint you. Many reasons, 1 is I'm leaving for a long trip abroad and I don't want to get involved in anything serious.
K: Wrong question? I'd curse myself if I didn't ask. X
M: Not the wrong question. Wrong time. Sweets
K: Please :(
M: Let me think this through, will you? I just want to save you (and myself) some heartache.
K: You really made my heart beat faster yesterday. Can't I enjoy it just a little bit? For this one that that I meet 'her':)x
K: Why heartache? On this little planet... I'd really go far for you. Very far! You're the person that gives me that stomachtwisting feeling! I can't recall the time I felt like that!X
K: Have felt great all night because of you:) no one can take that away:)x
K: I most sincerely mean it. In case you have any doubts.
M: Only doubt what I can/ should/may feel myself. %waves%
K: Love is the most beautiful thing on Earth when it's pure. But I can't force you. I just know what I have started to feel (the feeling only you give me) and I couldn't imagine anything better. I'm all yours. You'd be a beautiful dream come true.
K: When you meet the one, you just have to go for it, no?:)x
K: And then it was quiet =p x
K: I'll leave it up to you, no pressure...X
K: Hey beauty:) How's work today?:)x
M: Slow and quiet. How about you? sry for lack of response but I'm still thinking
K: :) Happy to hear from you:)x
K: Can't get you out of my mind :(x
K: Hey,ignorer =p x
M: I don't mind you thinking of me, I just don't want to feel pressured.

* Disclaimer: I am fully aware that the above concerns details of my private life, if you take offense bugger off. If you are the mystery man whom it concerns, I never told you to either like or text me. I promise as solemny as you wish for that your identity shall always be my little secret unless and until you prefer otherwise.

1 comment:

Shirahime said...

impressively relentless.... ^^