Tuesday, May 4

Julie and Julia Munichstyle

People who do not understand the title reference: please check here.

Being an enthousiastic foodie, culinary experimentalist, gourmet and gourmand; I have often wondered how a man that I suspect of as much refinement in the kitchen as the average starved polar bear with a bad toothache still manages to be a popular cook. Let it be understood that I am not envious, merely curious. I certainly have my objections towards the exessive use of salt, fats and spices but I would not turn down the offer of a free meal prepared under aforementioned persons' supervision.

There is only one conclusions: the recipe of his succes must be the simplicity and wholesomeness of the dishes. In all my megalomania I of course assume I can manage this even better. So I have decided to recreate every recipe in the imaginary book for my personal and the standard of Munich cooking's improvement.

So far I have succeeded in making edible chips (this is what US citizens call French fries, and which, were they in fact potatoes fried Frenchstyle would be quite IN-edible) from scratch. A feat I never pulled off before, managing merely fried potatoes that were either too chunky, too soggy or too fatty. Inspired by this success I have decide to tackle another PVW favourite today: Potatoe & Carrotmash.


- 5 pounds of peeled and cubed potatoes
- 2 to 3 pounds of peeled and cubed carrots
- half a pound of lentils, soaked in cold water for two or more hours
- a pinch of salt
- a pinch of thyme
- 1 cup of buttermilk
- butter and pepper to taste

Boil the carrots, potatoes and lentils until soft. Mash thoroughly. Add spices, butter and milk. Mash, mix and stir until the desired texture is reached.

Serve with black pudding, fishsticks or a variety of fried meats.

Feel free to request your favourites, should you ever feel like dropping by for supper.

1 comment:

Dr. Jillian said...

Hey Immerd,

spijtig dat ik de wortelstamppot gemist heb, ik had je mail te laat gelezen.
Ik ben es benieuwd hoe jouw versie van peeveewee's pièce de résistance aka Vettige Zoutfrietjes zou smaken - staat dat toevallig in de nabije toekomst op het menu? Ik ging eerst vislasagne nomineren (wegens extreme delicieusheid), maar de BBC zei vanmorgen dat er 95 % minder vis in de zee zit dan vroeger en ik ga de arme overlevenden des oceaans dan maar niet meer opeten.


Dr. Jillian

ps als je wil werken/schrijven vandaag : er is nog plaats aan de grote studietafel.