Saturday, January 8

Phone-/Lifeless part two aka Rant VII

In case you had not noticed from my absence the past two weeks. I suck at communication. I have been without mobile phone for about three weeks now, and I daresay there has only been one instant so far that I actually missed it. I have also been without access to my google account (including e-mail) for about a week and again I barely missed it. True it was rather inconvenient for the people that have wanted to contact me but as far as I figured; I almost couldn't care less.

Except of course that it has been impossible for everyone to contact me. Everyone including him. Him being the one person I never declared myself in love with despite being hot wax in his warm loving hands. And it drives me crazy. Crazy that it takes me almost two years to realise that it doesn't feel like any crush before because they were in fact crushes and he isn't. It's different. Totally different. Completely different.

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