Wednesday, August 22

Cappucino cookies

You will need:

- 250 gr of butter
- 250 gr of sugar (I recommend cane sugar)
- 50 gr of cocoa powder
- 450 gr of flour
- 25 gr (or one packet) of baking powder
- 4 eggs
- one large spoon of instant coffee powder
- some vanilla drops (optional)

You must do:

Melt the butter.
Siff in all dry ingredients.
Add eggs and vanilla, mix well.
Let rest for 15 minutes.
Preheat oven to 180° C
Knead well.
Roll out to about half an inch.
Cut out in prefered shape.
Bake for 10 minutes.

I suggest choclate glazing, best served with a nice hot cup of coffee.

Tuesday, August 21

I lied.

Who was I kidding, I'll never be able to say goodbye to this webpage. Google may tear it from my cold dead hands.

Count your blessings... or not

But I like the old-fashioned hats... *wimper wimper*

Wednesday, July 18

Please give me...

  • Your favourite music 
  • Your favourite book
  • Colouring books
  • A multidimensional wardrobe
  • Patience
Anything else, I either don't want or already have.

Monday, July 9

So this is Goodbye

My dear friends, readers, listeners,...

Hello audience and goodbye audience. This; in a shorter sentences than you are used of reading here is all that there is left.

For many many sad and wonderfull years this place has been my home on the internet and it has been my pleasure, frustration and education to be read and ignored alike. In a few day's time I will for the last time invite you alls to celebrate my Birthday  (along with a list of presents I might like -that's how I roll). But on August 1, it is goodbye.


Thursday, May 31

The first day of the rest of my life.

I've signed a contract today. With an employer that I dreamed of working for, from almost the moment that I started looking for a job.

I should be overjoyed, shouldn't I?

Then why does it feel like the biggest mistake of my life.

Saturday, May 26

1/10 Myriade

Laat ons vieren vrienden. 1000 bijdragen. Hoezee.

Oops I did it again (and again)

And then to think this is not all my grief.

Sense of humour
Bedside Manners



Rant IX

It was a nervous and early friday and saturday or at least a lot more nervous and early than I've been used to the last 10 months, but let's not get into too much detail. The great garden clear-up has commenced and I belive we might be well halfway with the pruning, chopping, sawing and mowing. In between the scratch of undetermined plant species (with mean thorns), planting my unprotected footsies in a plank with rusty nail, a splinter of a rosethorn firmly in my left thumb and getting a sawed off branch on my head (twice!) I also learned that I was unsuccesfull at the one (ONE!) job interview I have (well, had) in over a year.

Getting used to the new look

My blogger-account, since long under the wings of the fine corporation Google has changed looks. This has been going on for months and I have just noticed this is what it is ment to look like, not a system error.

It's not that I don't like the lay-out. Clean and simple suits me fine. It's that I can't load the pages in Chrome, another fine piece of Google merchandise. Now how am I going to fix this? Or shall I simply hope that the feedback button in the downright corner will functions as advertised?

Saturday, April 14

A single girl's worst enemy....

Being today, less calm then I have been an entire week, it is probably not the best time to vent about an issue rather unrelated to my current anger. However, I may not take the time to do so later and I really feel it need be said.

I have never had many gentleman friends. Boyfriends, boy-friends, acquaintances,... straight or otherwise. All the more I cherish them. I don't show it of course; pretentiously assuming that initiating a date or meet-up is enough compliment for the rational sex.

Whenever it presumed or insinuated that I have ulterior motives (true or not) I panick a little, fearing that I might miss out on company I am fond of. And even worse when the silent accusations come in name of an unknown spouse/sex partner/ girlfriend... Because it is a threat I can defend against.

Therefor dear gender comrades, when your 'man' meets up with a lady friend, assume she is a 'friend' and no more. It displeases me most seriously to lose friends over female jealousy.

Monday, March 26

What do I do?

I have come to conclude that my life serves no purpose. I do nothing that matters in this world. I do not love. I am not loved. I cannot even hate anymore. I will not have children. I will never finish any, not a meagre 1 of the multitude of books that I have planned or even started writing.

Everything that I could do and don't or still do amounts to nothing.

But the suns shines so ... I might as well gather moneys and spend them on cocktails. 

Friday, March 23

Gelukkige Verjaardag

For the two very lovely ladies who's birthday we celebrate today. Many happy returns to Emile and Flower-chan.

Thursday, March 22

Rant Xi

It is a longheld belief of mine that too much sunshine kills the mood. Or at least; it kills my mood. This spring has proven no different.

After the initial ecstacy of the summer nearing, I have become my frowning, impatient, short-tempered, grimmy self. I don't foresee any amount of alcohol will cure it. But don't bear with me in the sure knowledge that all might change for the better soon. Just stay the hell out of my way!

Saturday, February 25

Designated Boyfriend

Often I think a girl , especially a single girl has need of a bodyguard friend. Most often to feel safe in dark alleys after sunset. Or to bring all too enthousiastic suitors back with their feet on the ground.

So guys; when a lady friend calls and asks for her favourite snack*, be a man. Get over there and act like her boyfriend.

*or whatever code word that has been agreed on.

Blonde Sympathy

I am a little too late to call my to dye- adventure a sympathy act for a house mate's recent il-fortune when trying to revert her gorgeous copper locks to the natural blonde. I hope she draws comfort nonetheless from the unfortunate outcome of my home-do.

Some advice ladies; whatever our hair needs; go the to hairdresser. You don't want straw on your head.

Wednesday, February 22

Fuckedifuck - II

I have been up since 5am, I have slept 3 hours, I have eaten one bowl of breakfast cereal, 3 thin oatmeal biscuits, one bag of crisps, two glasses of wine and some mints.

Yes I'm tired. No I don't feel well.

Sunday, January 1


For anyone who keeps an eye on the widgets and applications on the right side of this screen (ba dum tsss), it will come as no surprise to read that or hear me claim te be an avid reader. The less than wonderfull but not too dreadfull year 2011 closed with 123 books on the conto.* I'm very proud. And a little ashamed, because for every minute reading a thousand other more creative things haven't been done. And so set my new goal at a far lower and more modest 1 book to read per week.

If they may be called resolutions, for this year they are not to want, try to be or think too much. But mainly do!

Have a wonderfull and healthy 2012!

*you can check them hereabouts