Friday, November 3


I just can't seem to help it. I keep on adding stuff to this blog without knowing how it all works or what is does. For the few of you who give a damn, the latest addition is Frappr. Which is a map keeping track of people who uhm well I guess people who have a frappr account and add themselves to my friends list. Feel free to join, which is of course no obligation.

Edit: Apparently some people get added to the map just like that and there are others of whom I have to approve first. Two people were on the approval list, one of which has been approved of (one would hardly expect me to deject my brother). The other person shall first have to give the meerest tiniest twidgiest hint of his or her identity before (s)he too shall be approved of. With utmost apologies should it concern a loved one.

Edit#2: I signed up for a frappr-account with a non-existant e-mail address, which would be despicable had I done so on purpose, no need to burn candles for my haunted soul however as it but concerned a typo. A typo that did cause me to delete my frappr -account and sign up with a proper e-mail address for a new one. All those that wanted to get added to the map shall have to apply again. For the inconvenience this causes you are free to look sternly upon me next we meet, but I would have you fight the urge to hit/beat/bite/whip me, lest of course the above would happen in a gentle manner.

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