Thursday, July 19

Parents and the ventilation of your bedroom

It is 30 something degrees, I open my bedroom window as to ensure the merest bit of fresh air and go downstairs in search of shade. Later that day my parents ask me to accompany them to the pick-up of some new furniture. As it here concerns my furniture I agree, run upstairs to get my handbag and we're off.

Or so I think. By the time my dad starts the car my mom spots the open window. She so tells me. I reply 'It's not going to rain, is it?' Which is of course not good enough to convince either parent that in the period of absence of tops 1,5 hour a clear blue sky, a very hot sun and a less than 20% humidity could change into a hailstorm.

As a result I ran up the stairs, closed my window and came back home to find my room at the comfortable temperature of 52°C. A good thing being boiled alive slowly is one of my lesser known hobbies.

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