Thursday, September 6

Too ill.

Usually after not having studied I blog about how well the exam went and how I am never going to study again. Not so today.

For three consecutive days I've had a very painful sore throat, as this temporary discomfort diminishes however the headache and feverish complexion appear at the health horizon. These are severe symptoms for a selfprofessed only ill once every two years.

Right now however I got up to tell my professors I'm to ill to think properly let alone study and take exams ( how do do oral exams when your voice is on strike anyway???). And after that I'll get back to bed not leaving until tomorrow 5pm safe to get myself mre hot tea and lavatory escapades.

Do not bother me unless to force a mug of something steaming hot and healthy in my hands.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sick? You? Get well soon x