Tuesday, August 18

1/4 Century

A month from now, I'll celebrate my 25th birthday. I'm quite sure it will be a great dinner/ dress-up party. I'm also pretty sure nobody is going to steal the attention which I think I deserve, away from me. I'm convinced I'll have a good time because of all the things I have to be greatful for this year, but deep deep down I still feel as if I should have accomplished more by now. I guess I'll always feel a bit like a loser.

However, if it's but 'a bit' I can certainly learn to deal with it. This post wasn't meant as a self-complaint but as an invitation.

Please show up in your most Piraty Outfit as I have decided to make my birthday party a warm-up round for International Talk Like a Pirate's Day.

I hope to be able to greet you* there and then. Route details, menu, and requested arrival time may follow in your* inbox.

P.S. Would .38, if invited be so kind as to drop me a note with a description of his/her attire. I would like the chance to tell him/her in person how much I appreciate the effort of writing me a love note.

* this does , I fear, not include every reader

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