Tuesday, January 19

To boldly go where I never went before.

A lunch-break idea of mine. Will fixing a donation to the CouchSurfing project. I thought: 'Hey, why haven't I ever surfed a couch?' And then I remembered I got a Go-Pass (ten rides pass for the Belgian Railway Company for people under 26) from my parents for Christmas. Those two combined might land me some very cheap little holidays in my own country and an opportunity to meet a lot of like-minded interesting people. So why don't I get to it?

Here is the plan;

  • Search for 3 or 4 hosts in my age category in 12 or so major cities in Belgium

  • Write them with information about me and my little project

  • Have a packed suitcase* ready.

And that's it. And now that my friends are informed ; let's get busy!

* medium backpack containing: fresh underwear and fresh socks, t-shirt and/or sweater depending on the season, minimum toileteries kit, little present for host, small knitting or crochet project, a book, purse with life essentials,


J. Barman said...

Owwwhh, mag ik af en toe meedoen of is het eerder een Morgan-goes-solo-projectje?

Unknown said...

Please join!

Shirahime said...

Megaplan! Gewoon doen ^^ XoXo