Wednesday, July 12


I have a holiday job. So far no news. The weather is hot. Still nothing new. Put the two together and I start to hallucinate. Everywhere I look I seem to see people that I know, when they are within hearing distance I even shout out their names sometimes only to find out, one embarrassing second later that the person I was shouting to wasn't a former teacher/ friend of a friend/ ex-boyfriend of a girl in the neighbourhood but a total stranger. Well it's got to be the heath ( I am spelling this wrong on purpose, don't ask why, please don't). Or maybe the soapy water they make me spray on windows in order to clean them. Simply the stench of the foul liquid is enough to blow one's mind out, hallucination would be a milder symptom then.

Edit: some examples of people I confuse(d)
random train passenger- a friend's brother
mechanic at my holliday job- our professor Japanese
the son of a holliday job collegue- Moritz Bleibtreu
random train passenger- my sister's boyfriend
train mechanic- assitant teacher Chinese
random pedestrian- my former English teacher

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