Tuesday, July 18

One Woman Less

My collegue job student, E., apart from me the only woman in our working spot, has given up. Which means I'm alone from now on. Oh how I shall miss her love 'advice', her style, her laughs and her companionship. Like the plague, like cholera, like cancer I shall miss her.

For being the only woman has such advantages, men turn into gentlemen when there is a woman to care for. One get bought drinks and rice cakes and offered health advice. Surely they would never tell the male jobstudent "to be aware of spraying soap on the windows, the fumes eat your lungs away and we would not be the first on that workfloor to die of cancer "( a fact which is positively non-related to smoking 35 cigarettes a day). And once again my breasts get undiverted attention. Joy.

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