Friday, May 4

Hypothesis II

The hearing and even more so the making of the sound "Wiiiiiiiiiiie" causes happiness.

It is as indicated by the title of this post only a hypothesis. In my experience "Wiiiiiiiiiiie" and being happy come together in 93% of the cases. I have yet to determine whether "Wiiiiiiiie" provokes the happy feeling, is an indication of it, results from it or prolongs it.

Edit: The same goes for poking. Too bad I don't have any midget-sized friends so 'accidentally' poking someone's eye out isn't achievable.


Anke de Sagher said...

So you never wiiiiiiiii-d before i told you to do so? Tsssss, so many lost days...


Unknown said...

I've wiiiiii'ed before but it wasn't until recently that I suspected a stronger connection between wiiiiii en being happy.