Thursday, June 21


I have great experience in comforting. People are always telling me to cheer up, to look on the bright side, to cry it all out and start anew. Patting me on the back, hugging, force-feeding me chocolate. It's the fact they care (or pretend to) that somewhat cheers me never the words or the gestures. I often think or rather wish that I would be better at it, that I when faced with the despair of another would have the empathy it takes to lift his/her spirit.

But today, all I can think of is to pick up the phone, ask her to come over, offer to provide supper and a shoulder to cry on, suggest a short time away from it all, tell her to get a grip as so often she has told me. It doesn't matter I'm going through a similar phase, it helps nothing that I too am hurt. I can only feel as helpless as when it is I that needs comforting.

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