Monday, July 16

Envy II

I have a friend. Not only is she a stunningly beautiful, intelligent and kind woman. She also has an elder brother, the near-perfect boyfriend and the telephone number of my N°6 favourite contemporary author.* Life is so NOT fair.

* Meir Shalev, for those who wonder and are afraid to click links. Read 'The four meals'. Yes, that was an order.


Anke de Sagher said...

You should also read "A Pigeon and a Boy" though. Even more beautiful literature...

And honey... You'll have a huuuuuge chocolate cake on the 27th, THAT is something to look forth to! 'Cause... what am I with a phone number I don't dear to call?

Unknown said...

Hang on. I get chocolate cake?! And it isn't even my birthday then. A wiiiiiiiiiie-moment if ever there was one.

dev said...

life is unfair..! but why is it unfair on my side.!! (happnes with everybdy)

Dragases said...

Is the grass always greener on the other side?

On that matter I tend to agree with you sometimes.