Tuesday, August 28

The Job - II

- 1, 24 €
- silver earring
- 1 can of Pringles 'Hot&Spicy'
- 1 chicklit ' Temptation in the air'
- 2 pencils
- 3 pairs of sunglasses
- white hat
- can of orange juice
- can of Red Bull light
- 2 keys
- 2 glossy magazines
- multitool
- map of Brussels
- 1 pacifier
- 11 ballpoints
- 1 fountainpen
- 2 umbrellas
- lighter
- giant box of marshmellows

It goes without saying that I gave away a lot of this stuff.

Medical File
- 2 torn fingernails
- aching back
- blocked nose

Around 2000€, probably somewhat less, but I ain't complaining.

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