Tuesday, January 8


Bored, nauseated, sick, tired, lustless, angry, sad, crying, cold, wanting, aching, hurt, selfish, pondering, reading, writing, bitch, nagging, lost, dying, suicidal, childish, cooking, contemplating, dreaming, nightmare, searching, itching, dirty, ink-stained, drawing knives, chocolates, sipping tea, scratching, rehearsing runes, grocery shopping, waiting, seeking, boring, ugly, jealous, confused, bitter, hard to please, dragged along, trying (but not hard enough), child wish, not bothering, overly and unrealistically romantic, in love, alone, undisciplined, bent, fat, plain, stupid, short-tempered, passionate (about the wrong things), uninterested, hoping in vain, hungry, knitting, breathing, empty, stuck in bad habits, sober, abnormal, rejecting and alienating friends, self-loathing, unhappy.

They're all applicable I think. And they will give you something to read while I think of something nicer to write.


Sophie & Isfried said...

forgetting, ignored, misunderstood AND prohibiting housemates from singing!

Unknown said...

You really know how to cheer me don't you?