Tuesday, March 31

The Game is on!

I would not consider myself a competitive person and yet I find myself competing on three domains with someone whom we will henceforth call Dieudonné for the sake of anonimity.

The first domain is that of scriptwriting. I doubt not that I shall prevail. I have experience with the software in use, I have written scripts before and I am on the whole more active in the field of fiction both as a reader and a writer.

The second is that of blogging, starting tomorrow, we will both post daily, articles of about a hundred words and see who keeps up. Once again I fear not. My experience far exceeds his/hers and (s)he may have more time during the day, the select bunch of nutcases I meet everyday will make up for that by providing inspiration.

The rules of the above mentioned competitions are yet to be determined, but will I hope appear alongside the first competion-post.

And the last domain is one I will not discuss in further detail as to maintain the air of vagueness and mystery. I need however not predict an outcome because I have already lost.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May the most persistent woman win, my dear =)