a rant comes with a picture and as they speak louder than words here's one that I hope screams out, bastards they are not all of them but most I have wondered who'd ruin my last day of the year and I had better not for they are a multitude all of which are from the male conviction and I hate them and hate them and hate them every human being is entitled to his/her opinion but excuse me for resenting the fact being called a frigid bitch a masocistic weirdo* a will-never-be, and those are just the insults of people hurt by my superior intelect** and then comes the prince in studded at the rims fashionably torn jeans pink tanktop and beercologne cheering me down with the one line that ruined 2007 already for me, in as far as I'm entitled to vanity, stupidity when it comes to accepting flattery as fact and birthright and a positive self-image I am ready to be admired however little it happens but being compared to a toothpick*** is not my idea of a compliment
* had I written this in full rage I would not have admitted it but fact is this might be true
** superior to theirs at any rate I don't claim geniusness
*** not of course a toothpick but a reputed beauty who has in my opinion all the talent beauty charisma and size of a spaghetti straw
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