Saturday, March 3

Finding My Mobile Phone

The precious Laura has been retrieved and I am now once again fully equipped to purposely ignore anybody trying to call me. Some guilt lingers towards the few dear and beloved ones that have invited me for dinner and song and tea and cake, while Laura rested on the bedside stand in a room I didn't visit for about 16 days. But to be frank I never really missed being constantly* disturbed. Feel free to pester me with text-wise felicitations on retrieving the one incontournable modern facility, I will of course not answer but instead wonder why it is so f*****g hard to understand AND remember that I hate talking on the phone and prefer face-to-face or written communication.

* In my case twice a week or so, still very disturbing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will only 'pester' when it's absolutely necessary