Saturday, March 3

Romeo & Julia

When destitutely in love, one thing not to do is going to watch Romeo & Julia brought on stage by an amateur theatre company in the ever wanted presence of an not unhandsome young man*, but for a while it has cured me. Weird though it may seem. It could have been the Ice-Tea I drank but I doubt it.

And the play? Well it was a modern interpreation by amateurs. A lot better then I expected, but I fear I prefer my Shakepeare the traditional way and acted by only the very best by which I don't mean Leonardo DiCaprio.

*He hasn't got a girlfriend btw, moderatley intelligent, modest, non-smoking girls from my home province can contact me about that.


Anonymous said...

Damn, I'm not from your home-province :-(

GetIt said...

hmm, neighbouring provinces welcome too.