Sunday, April 29

All Apologies

I've had a long hard think upon how to be just. On how to be fair. But there are simply too many people (two in particular, but of that more hereafter) whom I owe apologies, not all of which that read this blog. I'm sorry this is the best I can do. Some of you would deserve to see me crawl in the dust beneath your feet and beg for forgiveness, others however may have to crawl first.

As mentioned above, there are two people for which this is more particularly true.

First there is the long time companion of the girl with the most beautiful shoulder blades in the world, whom I have in a moment of blind rage unjustly included in my general dislike of men. Not so in facto* but still in scripto*. He is a dear sweet boy and deserves all the friendship I can spare.

Secondly there is a young man who has been nothing but kind to me. All the anger and sadness I have felt resulted from being disappointed in my expectations of you. Expectations that flowed from the assumption you were my friend. An assumption that has proven false as you cannot spare two minutes to talk to me.

I am most sincerely sorry for the uneasiness and trouble I must have caused you.

* I'm pretty sure neither of these terms exist but you catch my drift


Anke de Sagher said...

my shoulder blades sincerely thank you!
and about the other thing, don't bother, really, you're a sweaty and you know it ;)

Anonymous said...

he knows it too (the sweety part). But he seriously doubt the sweaty part...

Anke de Sagher said...

zeg, mistypt ja, shit happens, en lach zo niet met mij :p