Tuesday, April 3


A clue as to what I did yesterday, apart from winning in Trivial Pursuit (oh yes I shall be mentioning it again).


Sophie & Isfried said...

So either you've been saving the world from all evil, dressed as a green mean teenage mutant killing machine and had a pizza afterwards, or you went to the TNMT movie...

On the side: McNuggets' sounds are driving me mad..luckily I found the 'mute'-button. Cute chick though.

Unknown said...

If it's any comfort, the sound makes me go gaga too, luckily I only stay on the effing page for as long as is necessary to feed the damn thing. Mute is an option I am not ready to take I'm getting used to driving-mommy-mad sounds in case I ever find the man to have children with. And yes I did went to see TMNT, in effing dutch, not flemish (as was promised) dubbing.