A character pretty much forced on me (by which I mean: that I did not create myself), a paladin (soon to be ex-paladin if the DM has his way*), pretty strong, pretty tall and resolved to do which she thinks is best even if it means lying to and/or working for vampires.
* Any mentioning of having complete control and having caused this trouble on myself may result in your untimely death.
You have complete control & have caused this trouble by yourself.
The truth will not be caged, even if it means swift death upon me...
"resolved to do which she thinks is best even if it means lying to and/or working for vampires."
That would be perfectly acceptable if you were a C.G. ranger. But by the entire pantheon of Faerun, you're a LAWFUL GOOD PALADIN, woman!
Which implies that
1) You can't lie - and
2) Cooperating with the vile undead forces of darkness, such as vampires, is totally out of the question!
I don't think I've asked for either of your opinions. In fact I'm pretty sure I specifically asked not to post anything implying I make a less than average paladin. I hope you both die horribly slowly and preferably soon.
Well you did not not ask for it...
Anyway, like I said before IRL: see it as a roleplaying opportunity instead of some sort of punishment, which it is obviously not.
And if you are not content with the character, no problem, you can (like I also said before) create a new one since indeed you did not create it yourself.
One could also be grateful that I have spent some time in filling out the details of Ashlyn and creating an interesting character for you, because creating a 7th level character from scratch is not an easy task for a beginning player.
Anyway, I give you three reasonable options:
1) continue playing Ashlyn as a paladin and start hitting vampires on their head
2) continue playing Ashlyn, but no longer as a paladin (blackguard is not the only option)
3) create a completely new character of your choice, and I am certainly willing to help you with that
Choose wisely.
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