Friday, April 27

Don Giovanni

Through some strange twist of fate I found myself at the public broadcasting of Don Giovanni on a square in the vicinity of my student's room. I was tempted there with the promise of two friends attendance and lots of fun. They asked me to bring drinks. And I obliged, thought heck, why not it beats being lonely at home. But loneliness might have been preferable to the company of men.


Eveline said...

Well, well, since I'm totally I'm commenting your blog! But it is an interesting remark you make here. Sometimes it is better to be alone and bored! Like me, right now...hihi!
And I think I just found a very fascinating difference between us: I don't always feel comfortable with women and you with men. We should drink some tea together and discuss this...;-)

Unknown said...

Yes yes. We must discuss this. Especially when there's tea involved. Name a day sunshine and I'll be there before the cup of tea is poured.

Eveline said...

Oké, but when...good question! I almost would say Thursday and then we make it a lunch...but I don't think Mane wants a big lunch on Thursday...Can we seduce her in a girlietalk? Hihi...peerpressure rules!