Sunday, October 28

Happy Gap

I had a post lined up called "Happy Gap" about the discrepancies between what makes me happy and what makes other people happy. And because I'm a lazy lousy loser I'm just going to type something entirely different under the same title, or maybe not so entirely different.

As you may collect from posts bellow I have been not entirely overjoyed off late, but as the people who've seen me in real life might have noticed I'm not at all as miserable as I may have made you believe. And I wonder why for there is plenty of gloom in my life. Did I say plenty? Because I, of course, simply meant no more gloom than other people deal with more likely even less but considering my true self, I have been too joyous. Strange and wondrous though this may be, one thing in particular nags me; I am not constantly oblivious to pain of life. But no matter how sad and lonely I feel behind my desk, by the time I've walked down the stairs I'm smiling, hopping, dancing, humming again. And what I wonder most about is; is it the actual surviving walking down the stairs that are in dire need of repair or is it the life and people waiting for me down the stairs that cheer me so excessively.

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