Sunday, October 14

Name your bike - part one

A conversation I lately had with the new house mate (whom I shall henceforth refer to as Allie until permission is given to use his full name or any other name I had in mind) sparked intrigue. He told me how fond he was of his bike, I asked for it's name and without as much as a millisecond pause he said N££££££*. I think my heart must have stopped beating two seconds.

Oblivious to the fact that I might not be the only known (to myself) person that names his/her bike I assumed I was the only one. As this is plainly not the case I've started a little inquiry but to no avail. So far Allie and I stand alone.

Just in case you wondered mine's name is Ronald.

* for the full name of said bike too you shall have to wait, surely I cannot reveal such intimacies with written approval of the person concerned

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