Thursday, May 31
Mann Booker Prize
A Prize that I intend to win one day and while I am not winning it, I'm reading a sample of what a great mind that has received the honour (and rightfully so) is capable of.
best wishes,
Monday, May 28
Bored of all Things
The sixth month of the year rapidly approaches and so for all students the time of seclusion draws near. No more surprise visits to friends that live nearby, no more film marathons, no more idle bantering on benching along rivers while sipping tea or wine or port, no more informal dinner parties, no more of anything until the seventh month has begun. I've barely started waking up early, and making notes on a compulsory read or already I am bored. Not so much with the subject of my study for the geopolitics of Central Asia are indeed interesting enough to deserve my attention but with the whole idea of having to go through this period again. Usually I'm company enough for myself but when there is absolutely nobody around all the regular hobbies are stupid too, which regrettably* doesn't stop me from doing them.
* Even less time in a day to get things studied.
* Even less time in a day to get things studied.
Eye Colour
Your Eyes Should Be Green |
Your eyes reflect: Striking attractiveness and danger What's hidden behind your eyes: A vivid inner world |
Saturday, May 26
D&D: Llewyne Lith Lye
Third son of Lith Sillin Growl-Lye, steward to Unther's evil archduke Dagard the fifth. He is banned from the castle and the whole domain at the age of 6 for saving test-kitten from drowning in the palace pond- a far to good act for the archduke to tolerate, thus learning very young to mistrust everyone. He is raised by a troupe of wandering halflings, but grows more and more discontent with the world and his position in it as he nears adulthood. At age 21 he leaves his troupe and travels to Narfal in search of a famed halfling seeress dame Eva, hoping she can look deeper into his fate.
In Belgorod he learns that Damara - a county he must pass to get to Narfal-is in turmoil, not afraid of fighting evil he gets on his way together with a warmage who has business in Barovia. They meet Piotr and Ilonka, brother and sister who are fleeing for a vampire lord, an army of werewolves and undead and the queen of winter. Barely have they arrived in Barovia, made camp in the local tavern and met a small troupe of adventurers or at nightfall they are attacked. Having no experience with undead fighting Llewyne is tricked into heroics and soon falls. "Luckily" he is stabilised and bitten by the vampire overlord Mikhael.
Having already an immense hate for the forces of evil that try to control him, Llewyne seeks to redeem himself and destroy Mikhael, he volunteers for the undead army that as one of four parties in the Alliance besieges Belgorod. Chosen as part of an elite gang that must kill king Vasilli he sees his chance, sneaks into the castle and tells the king of the conspiracy, the king was apparently aware of it (having his own spies in the enemy camp) and he is asked to lead the murderers into the trap. Due to bad timing, he manages only to take the spy, Gareth and Vladislav Mikhael's minion to the king's bedroom. Failing to take immediate action he is turned and must flee to his coffin in the woods. After regeneration he once more tries to strike a deal with king Vasilli, offering his lifetime services if after the war and Mikhael destruction he may be ressurected and permitted a month's leave to travel to Narfal and learn more on his life from dame Eva.
Pirates of the Caribbean III
Contrary to what my learned colleague* made believe not the best film I could have picked from all those now showing in theatres, but nonetheless good entertainment.
* the male half of this enchanting duo
* the male half of this enchanting duo
Thursday, May 24
Bombay Gold
aka Bombay Sapphire gin and apple juice. The best invention since vegetarian lasagne with extra garlic.
happy thought,
life essentials,
Dirty Mind
During the watching of my first Star Wars film ever, I exclaimed something in the like of "Is there something a droid cannot do?" Upon which came the reply " Making little droids." Ever since I've been having disturbing recurring dreams of R2's having sex. Do I qualify as a pervert now?
Wednesday, May 23
The song of old lovers
A song that for me has always been a source of thought and inspiration, if not motivation to keep looking for a love that will last twenty years and more.
Jacques Brel
Bien sûr nous eûmes des orages
Vingt ans d'amour c'est l'amour folle
Mille fois tu pris ton bagage
Mille fois je pris mon envol
Et chaque meuble se souvient
Dans cette chambre sans berceau
Des éclats des vieilles tempêtes
Plus rien ne ressemblait à rien
Tu avais perdu le goût de l'eau
Et moi celui de la conquête
Mais mon amour
Mon doux mon tendre mon merveilleux amour
De l'aube claire jusqu'à la fin du jour
Je t'aime encore tu sais je t'aime
Moi je sais tous tes sortilèges
Tu sais tous mes envoûtements
Tu m'as gardé de pièges en pièges
Je t'ai perdue de temps en temps
Bien sûr tu pris quelques amants
Il fallait bien passer le temps
Il faut bien que le corps exulte
Finalement finalement
Il nous fallut bien du talent
Pour être vieux sans être adultes
O mon amour
Mon doux mon tendre mon merveilleux amour
De l'aube claire jusqu'à la fin du jour
Je t'aime encore tu sais je t'aime
Et plus le temps nous fait cortège
Et plus le temps nous fait tourment
Mais n'est-ce pas le pire piège
Que vivre en paix pour des amants
Bien sûr tu pleures un peu moins tôt
Je me déchire un peu plus tard
Nous protégeons moins nos mystères
On laisse moins faire le hasard
On se méfie du fil de l'eau
Mais c'est toujours la tendre guerre
O mon amour...
Mon doux mon tendre mon merveilleux amour
De l'aube claire jusqu'à la fin du jour
Je t'aime encore tu sais je t'aime.
Jacques Brel
Bien sûr nous eûmes des orages
Vingt ans d'amour c'est l'amour folle
Mille fois tu pris ton bagage
Mille fois je pris mon envol
Et chaque meuble se souvient
Dans cette chambre sans berceau
Des éclats des vieilles tempêtes
Plus rien ne ressemblait à rien
Tu avais perdu le goût de l'eau
Et moi celui de la conquête
Mais mon amour
Mon doux mon tendre mon merveilleux amour
De l'aube claire jusqu'à la fin du jour
Je t'aime encore tu sais je t'aime
Moi je sais tous tes sortilèges
Tu sais tous mes envoûtements
Tu m'as gardé de pièges en pièges
Je t'ai perdue de temps en temps
Bien sûr tu pris quelques amants
Il fallait bien passer le temps
Il faut bien que le corps exulte
Finalement finalement
Il nous fallut bien du talent
Pour être vieux sans être adultes
O mon amour
Mon doux mon tendre mon merveilleux amour
De l'aube claire jusqu'à la fin du jour
Je t'aime encore tu sais je t'aime
Et plus le temps nous fait cortège
Et plus le temps nous fait tourment
Mais n'est-ce pas le pire piège
Que vivre en paix pour des amants
Bien sûr tu pleures un peu moins tôt
Je me déchire un peu plus tard
Nous protégeons moins nos mystères
On laisse moins faire le hasard
On se méfie du fil de l'eau
Mais c'est toujours la tendre guerre
O mon amour...
Mon doux mon tendre mon merveilleux amour
De l'aube claire jusqu'à la fin du jour
Je t'aime encore tu sais je t'aime.
It is a strange fact that I can be completely Zen about failing exams or even failing to show up on exams, but haven't yet learned to deal with losing simple boardgames.
Monday, May 21
Sipping Tea
I just spend the most pleasurable hour of the day in the company of a friend and a thermos of tea on 'our' bench along a river/canal called Coupure in my favourite town but one. Life tastes good if there's Rose hip-Chewing gum tea in your flask.
happy thought,
life essentials,
Quote #6
One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain't nothin' can beat teamwork.Edward Abbey
Happy Birthday
Two girls that I don't know so very well but well enough to deserve my attention celebrate their birthday this week. I'm already late for one of them and too early to be on the dot for the other* but nonetheless I hope they like this song.
* the prettier half of this duo
* the prettier half of this duo
happy thought,
Social life
I wonder if anybody else ever noticed a significant increase in social obligations at times when absolute quiet and 26h days would be the better option in terms of getting some work done?
Not that I mind being invited to birthday dinners and D&D sessions, I don't mind eating at student restrooms if it means seeing a friend that I would otherwise not see for weeks, I very much enjoy evenings at the cinema and even more so when I'm accompanied by people I'm fond of but nonetheless I have complaints, why can none of this happen when actually have time for it?
Not that I mind being invited to birthday dinners and D&D sessions, I don't mind eating at student restrooms if it means seeing a friend that I would otherwise not see for weeks, I very much enjoy evenings at the cinema and even more so when I'm accompanied by people I'm fond of but nonetheless I have complaints, why can none of this happen when actually have time for it?
Sunday, May 20
You Should Get An All Over Tattoo |
Outrageous and funky Because you should never have to choose just one tattoo |
Friday, May 18
Star Wars Horoscope
Star Wars Horoscope for Virgo |
You show efficiency when working for a good cause. But you tend to be a bit fussy when it comes to doing something out of the ordinary. Like many Virgos, you want to stay out of the spotlight. You do well at picking up the smallest details. Star wars character you are most like: C3P0 |
Oh no, we're all doomed!
Thursday, May 17
Luke, I am your father!
And that probably explains why I never get what I want.
You Aren't Cutthroat |
You definitely have ambitions and drive, but you also have integrity. You'll get where you want to in life, and you'll do it the right way. For you, the ends never justify the means. |
There is no reason in love and hate. Once the more I have been made aware of it today. Or rather in the past 24 hours. The full effects are filtering through the anaesthetising o.d. of Mexican- Chili hot chocolate milk.
Love Sucks,
Wednesday, May 16
Quote #5
I have the true feeling of myself only when I am unbearably unhappy.- Franz Kafka
Austrian (Czechoslovakian-born) author (1883 - 1924)Why is it that it's always men who know how to say something so true, so beautifully?
That's so not fair!
And it's also not true. Everybody knows I turn into a self-centred unfeeling bitch when I'm angry enough to make the actual effort of arguing/fighting over my point.
You Mostly Fight Fair |
When you fight, you tend to remember your end goal of resolving conflict. However, you can get a little too wrapped up in your own feelings. Remember that there are two sides to every argument. And even if you think you're totally right, you should take more time to hear your partner out. |
It would be grave neglect from my side to only inform you when all is well. You must know also when I am in a grave state so that you may know how to fathom my sadness should we next meet. And I lost at Trivial Pursuit again. Again. Twice in a mere month. A grave sign of darker times to come indeed.
Side note: The word 'grave' is now mentioned four times in this post. A lurking death wish?
Side note: The word 'grave' is now mentioned four times in this post. A lurking death wish?
Tuesday, May 15
Subway Sandwich
Me and my love coach, we love Subway sandwiches. In happy moods like today we'd even be inclined to say we love Subway, even if by accident or wilful mishearing my order I get a small single cheese veggie sandwich instead of the veggie salad I asked for.
Sunday, May 13
Lessons from Google Analytics
handsome man,
Frauen regier'n die Welt
Very reluctantly I agree with men, and even less eager when it happens to be a ESC finalist, but he's quite right. Or he should be.
Friday, May 11
Unite, unite Europe*
Apparently I missed the semi-finals of this years' Eurovision Song Contest. Which is great cause for happiness. Chips and chili sauce, a new character AND not having to watch this (see below) sort of television, cause for joy and cheering indeed.
* Don't ask from what depths that traumatic memory came.
* Don't ask from what depths that traumatic memory came.
happy thought,
Wednesday, May 9
Spiderman III
Totally EMO. Like. Totally.
Let's move on to Pirates of the Caribbean III, Shrek III and inadequate lover III. Or uhm maybe not that last one.
Let's move on to Pirates of the Caribbean III, Shrek III and inadequate lover III. Or uhm maybe not that last one.
Tuesday, May 8
And the Lord said... - II
"Let there be light."
And the Lord said...
Monday, May 7
D&D : Ashlyn Silverskin of Impiltur R.I.P.
Only just had I introduced her to you or it falls on me to announce the death of Miss Paladin. I must be frank with you. I never liked her. I hated having to be her but when the giant ice worm spew a cone of ice, I think I felt the blood drain from my heart. I felt weak, helpless, angry, sad, devastated and lost. She is dead. I can still hardly believe it. I hear the mumbling of my rational self, "Good Riddance" echoes through the hollowness of my head, but I am in mourn. She is dead. Dead. And never to return.
Sunday, May 6
When love and death embrace
Solely for the benefit of my most trusted adviser aka the White Princess. Which she cannot fail to appreciate because of course there's Ville Valo.
handsome man,
sexy voice,
Glod Glodson Hammerstein
I introduce to you, Glod Glodson Hammerstein, son of Glod Friedrichson Hammerstein, a fair skinned, red haired dwarven cleric of chaotic good alignment whose chosen God is Pelor. Orphaned at the age of 37 he was mainly brought up at the temple. Because of his recklessness he was sent on a mission to the land of people by his unforgiving temple elders. He is now 2 years above ground and has yet to learn to appreciate human beer in most other respects however he has adapted to the 'big' lands. He is beyond measure loyal to friends but would never name anyone such save his trusted waraxe Hrgklagn (meaning 'Orcslayer') a family heirloom and his donkey Balder.
What did I spy with my little eye? Here. You may read this for yourselves, and think me in grave need of comfort. If you hear nothing of me by this evening look for my name in the obituaries, I don't think I can live with the shame.
* Called soccer in one or two countries worldwide but I can't be bothered with that.
* Called soccer in one or two countries worldwide but I can't be bothered with that.
Saturday, May 5
New Zealand
It's the country of my dreams. And when casting but a glimpse on the picture on your right, you'll have no difficulty understanding why. How I long to be off. And how I long for someone to be off with me. Just my luck to fall in love with the wrong men and the wrong countries.
Friday, May 4
Kissing AND Telling
Your Famous Movie Kiss is from Spiderman |
"I have always been standing in your doorway. Isn't it about time somebody saved your life?" |
So many attractive men, and they give me Tobey Maguire. Just my luck.
Hypothesis II
The hearing and even more so the making of the sound "Wiiiiiiiiiiie" causes happiness.
It is as indicated by the title of this post only a hypothesis. In my experience "Wiiiiiiiiiiie" and being happy come together in 93% of the cases. I have yet to determine whether "Wiiiiiiiie" provokes the happy feeling, is an indication of it, results from it or prolongs it.
Edit: The same goes for poking. Too bad I don't have any midget-sized friends so 'accidentally' poking someone's eye out isn't achievable.
It is as indicated by the title of this post only a hypothesis. In my experience "Wiiiiiiiiiiie" and being happy come together in 93% of the cases. I have yet to determine whether "Wiiiiiiiie" provokes the happy feeling, is an indication of it, results from it or prolongs it.
Edit: The same goes for poking. Too bad I don't have any midget-sized friends so 'accidentally' poking someone's eye out isn't achievable.
happy thought,
Almost Happy
In facto I already am, but it is also true that I could be even more happy so here are the lyrics to a tune that isn't happy at all.*
* I am known for my weird logic, do not expect reasonability** from me.
** And yes, I did just invent that word also. Bite me.***
*** Please please please take this literally.
K's Choice - Almost Happy
If I could look beyond your face
And photograph your hidden place
Would I find you smiling in the picture
I don’t know what you want
Because you don’t know,
So what’s the point of asking
You’re almost happy
Almost content
But your head hurts
Far too many ways to go
We learn so much but never know
Where to look
Or when we should stop looking
I can love the whole of you.
The poetry I stole from you
And hide inside my stomach
You’re almost happy
Almost content
But your head hurts
It’s easy to get lost in you
And fall asleep inside of you
I want to return to you
A reason to be here
A reason to be here
No I don’t know what you want
And you don’t know
So what’s the point of asking
You’re almost happy
Almost content
But your head hurts
If I could look beyond your face
And photograph your hidden place
Would I find you smiling in the picture
I don’t know what you want
Because you don’t know,
So what’s the point of asking
You’re almost happy
Almost content
But your head hurts
Far too many ways to go
We learn so much but never know
Where to look
Or when we should stop looking
I can love the whole of you.
The poetry I stole from you
And hide inside my stomach
You’re almost happy
Almost content
But your head hurts
It’s easy to get lost in you
And fall asleep inside of you
I want to return to you
A reason to be here
A reason to be here
No I don’t know what you want
And you don’t know
So what’s the point of asking
You’re almost happy
Almost content
But your head hurts
* I am known for my weird logic, do not expect reasonability** from me.
** And yes, I did just invent that word also. Bite me.***
*** Please please please take this literally.
Thursday, May 3
We all have them. Urges. Those feelings you know you shouldn't give into. Those little day-to-day battles you can't afford to lose. And I know plenty of it because on a regular day I fight tears and injustice, hunger and pain and rage, cold bloodthirsty rage. 'Tis a grave sign indeed when the only urge I'm suppressing is one that would have me humming a tune to the pace of my skipping steps on the city streets.
Wednesday, May 2
I've always known this
You Are 84% Tortured Genius |
You totally fit the profile of a tortured genius. You're uniquely brilliant - and completely misunderstood. Not like you really want anyone to understand you anyway. You're pretty happy being an island. |
The people's flag...
happy thought,
rule the nation
Tuesday, May 1
I lost at Trivial Pursuit
It could have been the beginning of a B- rate novel, but for me it is the sad truth. Do not believe that I am unhappy BECAUSE I lost, however unreasonable I may be, I am not so enough to expect always to win (especially not when the men present conspire against me). Rather it is so that all periods of moderate happiness ( however short) must end sometime and losing sounds very much as the death toll of in balanceness. Or maybe the welcoming drum for gloom. Whichever you prefer.
It is a well known fact that lip balm isn't just simply for your lips- see here or here. I am known to oil my cuticles with excess lip balm, I profess the use of pretty much any colourless essential oil based balm as a two day anti-pimple cure. And I have now also a new use to speak of. Anti-itching! So far it works only with Carmex but just a twidgy bit relieves the itch of mosquito bites. Comes in handy if you have a nack of getting bitten in your face.
Night Shop
It is always just my luck to find peace of mind and fall in love the day after. Which is the principle reason I won't leave my room today until the time is there to go to a dinner date, there is the necessity of evening shopping but what are the chances of meeting the love of your life in your local Pakistani night shop?
Where left ideology and kitsch meet.
For the few hours that it lasts: Happy First of May everyone.
And now let's chceck which of my comrades has thought of it likewise.
For the few hours that it lasts: Happy First of May everyone.
And now let's chceck which of my comrades has thought of it likewise.
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