Tuesday, April 14


I do not suppose the adjective that makes up the entire title for what will be the only post today is one many of my friends or even relatives, let alone vague acquaintances will readily associate with me.

But even though it's new to me, it about sums up how I feel. I suppose. I don't really know if this is flirting a more innocent version of myself might call this simply being friendly. And I might mean not much, but I'm sure I mean something (oh vagueness here I come again).

However I refuse to worry about it. I feel flirtatious.

Damn you butterflies in springtime, damn you foolish heart and damn you pftuh, ftuhh, ptuh ptuh. In the meanwhile I'm going to just enjoy.

1 comment:

Shirahime said...

I second the - and I quote- "pftuh, ftuh, ptuh, ptuh", you should indeed just enjoy :-)