Friday, April 17

One week worth of LM 33 (II)

A more apropriate title might be 'a fortnight at LM 33' because -as the clever reader undoubtedly has noticed- I skipped the weekly update last week. Oops.

Besides the cleanliness of our house-in absence of men that make a mess out of it. Only one other hippie house related - rather domestic -thought has struck me; why am I still the one doing the cooking?

Make no mistake, I love doing it, I propose it not half of the time but nearly daily, and it's not as if I mind doing the shopping. But still, why, in a house were 80% of it's inhabitants enjoys spending time in the kitchen, where everybody is home earlier then me, and all but one prefer company for dinner I alone cook so often for so many?

Are my housemates lazy? Or am I too competitive in being the über-cook in this house and everyone else simply incapable of disappointing me?

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