Saturday, April 4

One week worth of LM33 (I)

Another part of the deal (see below, or click the link) was that we (ie Dieudonné and myself) would every friday or saterday write a review of the week in house LM 33. I will undoubtedly be less original but all the more persistent in keeping this up.

A new week brought us the arrival of the Clichalien. An extraterrestial-like design on our living-door that repeats our most typical quotes. Since aparently I repeat myself the most, half of my quotes didn't make it to the final selection and even so I'm cited twice as much as any other house mate. I'm not sure whether to be happy or not.

In other news this week: the nearly daily visits of The Count aka the youngest brother of my nearly favourite housemate. His presence in our living room is nothing new, even before monday last, I would come home to a deserted house but for a lone figure clad in stylish black and white hunched in front of a wirelessly internet-connected portable computer or I would retreat to the attic where I safekeep the prayer place and find retreat impossible for the presence of two brothers in the practice of armed combat.
This week however I bid him welcome in our humble abode no less then four times, consider the seclusiveness of the young man concerned and the limited amount of days in a week and you may well be as surprised as I am. But don't mistake my words, there are few people whom I welcome into my dwelling with more or even equal pleasure.

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